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Slavomira Harcegova

Feng Shui practitioner


Harmony Designer

 Hi, I’m Slavomira! I´m here to support you on your journey to mastering the Art of Living so you can live with more joy and ease.

My Story

I´ve got my first Feng Shui book 30 years ago and I was fascinated with that but it looked like it didn´t work for me. I´ve got another book, and then another one but the more I read the more confused I become. When we were going to build a house I hired a Feng Shui practitioner and by listening to her I understood that actually, I got it all wrong!

I stared my own study as a practitioner where I realized there´s so much more I can learn about how energy works – Chinese medicine, tai-chi, chi-gong, geomancy… I felt like I´d open the gate to the whole new Universe! I started to use what I learned and it completely changed my life! 

Now I´m helping people to create harmony and positive energy in their homes so they can get energetic support by reaching their goals and making their dreams come true.

My Values & Beliefs

We are powerful creators

Our energy matters. We can create our life intentionally, like artists create their masterpiece. I´m here to guide you on the journey to mastering your energy so you can create the most amazing version of your life 

We are nature

We all belong to nature, we all are children of the Mother Earth. We can connect with her energy and get energetic support. I help you to surf the energy in nature so your life can flow  with more joy and ease 

We create inside out

We express who we are into our space. If we want to change and evolve in our life, we need to change also our environment otherwise it´ll hold us back. If we can prepare a space for who we want to become we can grow into our next level version naturally and with more ease 

My Approach

I understood that if we can master our energy, we can do anything. We are so powerful as human beings! 

I´m here to bring that realization to as many people as possible, to help them get out of the victim role and become powerful creators we are meant to be.

I´m supporting people on their transformational journey using Feng Shui as one of the tools. I´m helping people to create harmony and positive energy in their homes so they can get energetic support by reaching their goals and making their dreams come true.

Schedule a call so you can feel if I´m a good match for you 🙂

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Creating Your Life Today!

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